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Medical Malpractice

Make sure your are protected in the event of a medical malpractice claim.

The medical profession is one the most respected in the world. Doctors are put through various exams and rigorous professional tests before they are provided the necessary qualification to treat patients. Many professional bodies exist to make sure that their certified professionals provide only the best of service and care. In spite of all this, there are instances where the negligence of a medical professional or a health care provider, results in undesirable, life threatening or in worst cases, even fatal outcomes to the patient. Most of the time, it is not a deliberate act but an omission due to human error and sometimes because of sub-standard treatment provided due to lack of supervision and negligence.

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Medical professionals can insulate themselves with a Medical malpractice insurance policy to off-set the impact of legal exposure and resulting lawsuits based on malpractice. It is usual that the hospital or medical institution that the medical professional works in, takes necessary precaution to cover all its medical officers. Health authorities in Dubai and the UAE require hospitals, medical centres and private medical practitioners, to comply with stringent regulations. Medical officers practicing in Dubai and the UAE, can individually obtain a medical malpractice insurance policy too.

To know more about how you can tailor a medical malpractice insurance policy in Dubai and the UAE, call us on 800 2642 / +971-4-3121333 or send in your queries to contact@anib.com


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