
About Us

Dedicated to excellence, blending expertise and passion for impactful results.

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About Us

About Us

Al Nabooda Insurance Brokers - A Success Story!

If you are an individual looking out for a car insurance policy or a corporate decision maker on the look out for a group medical insurance plan, we have the expertise to guide you through your decision making process, by providing you with the right information, to help you make an educated choice.

A never-ending journey but an ever enjoyable one that helps us evolve. We have begun with the ISO 9001:2008 Quality certifications.

  • Individual Solutions
  • Service Providers
  • Corporate Solutions
  • Quality Standards
  • Clientele

Vision & Core Values


To embed quality in our systems every step of the way, harness human excellence to redefine professionalism, continuously invest and actively undertake R & D to provide niche and innovative solutions by leveraging the prowess of technology.

Core Values

  • A delighted client is our primary assert
  • Being an epitome of reliability & of professional integrity
  • Solutions blended with local trends & customs
  • Work environment to nurture the best in our Human Capital

To be a ‘new breed’ market leader and benchmark in innovative solutions, proactive service, professional repute and stakeholder value.



Khalid Khalifa Al Nabooda

To be able to successfully provide solutions for the essential requirements of individuals and businesses in the UAE and Dubai, is a vision worth its pursuit. To be a business partner and facilitator to leading corporates in the UAE, would also be quite desirable and equally enviable.

This much sought after position, will only be acquired if customers keep us close to their heart and place immense trust on us. We have been blessed abundantly to secure such a special place. This has facilitated growth to where we are today.


ANIB Management

Rajagopal Sukumar

Managing Director

Rajagopal Sukumar

Prakash Gopalakrishnan

Deputy Managing Director

Prakash Gopalakrishnan

J Bharanidaran


J Bharanidaran

V Anantharamakrishnan


V Anantharamakrishnan

P R Anand

Senior Vice President

P R Anand

Kiran Kumar Gosikonda

Vice President - Finance

Kiran Kumar Gosikonda

Carl Richard Matthew

VP - Affinity & Call Centre (Motor)

Carl Richard Matthew

Gurveen Suri

VP - Medical

Gurveen Suri



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